SU150 GAZ Jeep with 3M6 Shmel ATGWThe 3M6 Shmel (bumblebee), is an early Soviet Manual Command to Line of Sight (MCLOS) wire-guided anti-tank missile
Too large to be man-portable, it is typically deployed from specialised vehicles such as the GAZ light truck
The missile is intended to supplement traditional anti-tank guns, like the 100mm anti-tank gun whose accuracy beyond 1500 metres is poor. The missile’s accuracy in contrast remains high out to its maximum range of 2000 metres
Contains 3x GAZ Jeeps with 3M6 Shmel ATGW
Soviet GAZ Jeep with 3M6 Shmel ATGW [SU150]
SKU: SU150
£20.00 Regular Price
£18.00Sale Price