After a long 15 month delay, we finally started our new yearly 2-day Kings of War event: The Southern Crown. We had 14 eager players head down to Wycombe over the weekend of 3-4th July to play 6 games of rank & flank!

Rob Phipps and his Northern Alliance take an undefeated first place, Michael Smith is second with his Ratkin Slaves, and Matthew Gorham's Ogres come a close third only on total attrition.
Here are the game-by-game results:

Key: Green = Win, Orange = Draw, No colour = Loss
Here's what each player brought with them!

Now the bit you've all been waiting for - the prestigious awards!
First Place: Rob Phipps's Northern Alliance
Second Place: Michael Smith's Ratkin Slaves
Thirs Place: Matthew Gorham's Ogres
Best Painted Army: Matthew Gorham's Ogres
Most Kills: Chris Lynch (Rob Phipps had more kills points, but won the event so it was decided for the award to go to the next player down)
The above 5 award winners were all presented with a frame for their accomplishments, and the winner received some metal Kings of War tokens.
The following awards are just for fun, and showcase some of the fun stats & events from the tournament:
Closest Game Award: Rob Phipps 810 - 805 Michael Smith (Round 5)
Biggest Defeat Award: Grant Alexander 1345 - 85 Si Brand (Round 1)
Biggest Comeback Award: Jon Quayle (Day 1 - 3 losses, Day 2 - 3 wins)
The 'I Wish It Was a 1-Day Event' Award: Robert Hutson (Day 1 - 2 Wins + 1 Draw, Day 2 - 3 losses)
Acceptable Casualties Award (Best Position with negative Attrition): Si Brand's Ratkin
Tough S.O.B Award (Lowest points lost): Grant Alexnader's Twilight Kin (Rob Phipps had lower, but he's won enough!)
And that's the Tournament Report! Let me know if there's any issues (incorrect scoring, misspellings, etc).
Thanks for reading!
Tom Mepham
Tabletop Republic's Manager