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Scars of Battle - Tournament Report

Scars of Battle was a 3-round 1750pt Warhammer 40,000 tournament that took place on 23rd April 2022 at Tabletop Republic.


This event used the War Zone: Nachmund rules and missions, with custom terrain maps. All standard Strike Force mission rules were in place, including the recently released Q2 Balance Dataslate and banning of Crusher Stampede and Leviathan supplement.


First things first, here are the results:

Rankings were based on: number of wins (a draw counting as 0.5pts), then total points scored over all 3 games, then Strength of Schedule (opponents win %, then opponents points scored).


Here's each round's scoring:

In Round 3, Callum had to leave due to illness, so his opponent (me, funnily enough!) recieved a 70-0 bye


Here's the lists from the top players:

1st: Liam Worswick - Tyranids (Leviathan)

2nd: Scott Hensford - Blood Angels

3rd: Matthew Linnett - Tyranids (Leviathan)

and here's a quick rundown of the rest of the lists (full lists on BCP):

4th: Hristo Nikolov (Tyranids - Kraken) - 2 Harpies, 2 Exocrines, Flyrant and psykers

5th: Chris Ryder (Salamanders) - Triple Contemptor, 2 Razorbacks and lots of troops

6th: Nick Evans (T'au - Bork'an) - Oops! (almost) All Battlesuits

7th: Joe Waddock (Deathwatch) - 4 packed Kill Teams with Captain, Chaplain and Librarian

8th: Sam Smith (Black Legion) - Abbadon and Lord Disco leading plenty of vehicles and termies

9th: Hughey Herbert (Death Guard) - Mortarion with a mix of termies and vehicles

10th: Chris Braber (Salamanders) - Double aggressors and big Eradicator squad

11th: Yavor Bidzhov (Orks - Goffs) - Ghaz leading Snagga Boyz, Deffkoptas and bikes

12th: Tim Campbell (Black Templars) - Character-heavy list with lots of shielded marines

13th: Dan Shrimpton (Death Guard) - 3 PBCs and lots of Termies

14th: Liam Connolly (T'au - Farsight Enclaves) - Mix of Battlesuits, vehicles and troops

15th: Chris Smith (Thousand Sons) - Double sorcerer, termies, Maulerfiend and Rhino

16th: Jakub Siek (Thousand Sons) - Contemptor, big Termy squad, Spawn and Rubrics

17th: Pete Armstrong (Thousand Sons) - 20 Termies with Contemptor

18th: Tom Mepham (Death Guard) - Terminator-heavy Terminus Est

19th: Taff Jones (Harlequins) - Triple Starweaver, Voidweaver and Skyweaver

20th: Adam Eveleigh (Ultramarines) - First-born list with Land Raider, Termies and Tacticals

21st: Jamie Smith (Imperial Fists) - Triple Redemptor, Warsuit and 40 Troops

22nd: Jack Pugh (T'au - Bork'an) - Lots of Battlesuits

23rd: Alex Vincent (Crimson Fists) - Gladiator, Redemptor, Sternguards and a Vindicare

24th: Callum Higgins (T'au - Bork'an) - Battlesuits, 2 Hammerheads and 5 infantry squads


Now the fun bit; all the stats, facts and nerdy bits to help you see what did well at the event!

Here are all the secondaries chosen, how many times they were picked and the average score they got! (secondaries in bold are from Nachmund, un-bold ones are codex-specific

MOST PICKED SECONDARY: Stranglehold (basically double the 2nd highest pick!)

LEAST PICKED SECONDARY: Deploy Teleport Homers, Pierce the Veil, Titan Hunter (0)

BEST SCORING SECONDARY (any #): Behind Enemy Lines (avg 13.3)

BEST SCORING SECONDARY (10+ picks): To The Last (avg 10.48)

BEST SCORING SECONDARY (Codex): Oaths of Moment (avg 10.55)

WORST SCORING SECONDARY (any #): Engage on all Fronts (avg 4.67)

WORST SCORING SECONDARY (codex): Get Da Good Bits (avg 3)


Finally, we have the awards for the event! Prizes go to the top 3 players and best painted, with all the other awards just being for fun for the blog.

1st Place: Liam Worswick (Tyranids)

2nd Place: Scott Hensford (Blood Angels)

3rd Place: Matthew Linnett (Tyranids)

Best Painted: Jamie Smith (Imperial Fists)

Most Consistant: Hristo Nikilov (Tyranids) - only 7pts between highest & lowest score

Closest Game: Hristo Nikolov (Tyranids) 87-87 Matthew Linnett (Tyranids) in Round 2 - a rare draw!

Biggest Win: Scott Hensford (Blood Angels) 97 - 23 Chris Braber (Salamanders) in Round 3

Highest Scoring Game: Hristo Nikolov (Tyranids) 87-87 Matthew Linnett (Tyranids) in Round 2

Best Team: Toys of Mass Destruction (avg position: 4th)

Best Imperium Player: Scott Hensford, 2nd (Blood Angels)

Best Chaos Player: Sam Smith, 8th (Black Legion)

Best Xenos Player: Liam Worswick, 1st (Tyranids)

Imperium Average Position: 12,5

Chaos Average Position: 13.7

Xenos Average Position: 10.3

The 'Unlucky' Award: Jack Pugh (scored 70+ in all games, lost them all)

The 'Submarine' Award: Nick Evans (highest position [5th] after losing first game)

The 'Two Sweetest Words in the English Language' Award: Tom Mepham (won his last game by default)

The 'Best Newcomer' Award: Chris Ryder (first UKTC event)

The 'Sportmanship' Award: Alex Vincent

and that's the report! Thanks to all those that came to the event and thanks for reading. The next blog will be out very soon for our 40k team event: "Brothers in Arms" which is in a few weeks!

- Tom Mepham

Tabletop Republic Manager & Event TO



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