Purge The Unworthy was our first Warhammer 40,000 tournament of 2021 (and first tournament of 2021 in general!). It was a 2000pt, 3-round event where Legends units were allowed.
Running The Event
Stats & Facts
Army Lists
We aimed for all our events to be post-pandemic, hence the date (26th June) being the first weekend of when lockdown restrictions were meant to end. We knew we'd run the event with or without restrictions ending, so when the lockdown ending was delayed, we had prepared for it!
Each player was put into one of 5 randomly assigned pods upon registration, allowing clubs to be split up upon their request. Each pod was made up of 4 players on 2 tables, Then, instead of swiss-style pairings, each player played each person in their pod.
Obviously, it wasn't the easiest thing to run, but our amazing attendees made sure we followed all the rules and regulations we needed for the event to go forward!
There were a few dropouts days before the event, but luckily these were filled by people on the waitlist. On the day, there was one no-show, so I had to replace them and filled up the last slot on pod E

Thomas Roberts won with the newly updated AdMech codex, with Tom Lowman's Nurgle/Death Guard list not far behind, and Paulie in 3rd place just beating out fellow Drukhari player Konrad.

Thomas Roberts - 1st Place

Tom Lowman - 2nd

Paulie Wallis - 3rd

Steve Hart - Best Painted
Here is each player's results game-by-game:

Here's the breakdown of each game's points, and what Secondaries were chosen:

Now comes the proper nerdy stuff - here's all the statistics, facts, awards and other fun bits in relation to the results!
Here's how many times the Secondaries were chosen, and their average score.

Obviously this isn't the best representation of how consistent each secondary is, as each army and player play differently, but it does show some cool stats
Most Picked Secondary: Engage On All Fronts (28 times)
Least Picked Secondary: Investigate Signal, Titan Hunter & Psychic Interrogation (0 times)
Most Picked Secondary by %: Oaths of Moment (picked 11/12 times)
Best Secondary (by average score, used 3+ times): Strangehold (14)
Worst Seconday (by average score, used 3+ times): No Prisoners (4)
Best Mission Secondary (by average score, used 3+ times): Direct Assault (10)
Worst Mission Secondary (by average score, used 3+ times): Raze (4)
Best Army Secondary (by average score, used 3+ times): AdMech's Eradication of Flesh (14)
Worst Army Secondary (by average score, used 3+ times): Death Guard's Spread The Sickness (8)
Here's some stats about the games:
Biggest Defeat: Konrad's Drukhari 100 - 28 Ken's Grey Knights
Closest Game: Konrad's Drukhari 68 - 69 Louis's Khorne
Yes that's the same player with the biggest gap and smallest gap in their games!
Unluckiest Player: Steve's Salamanders - scored 70+ in all games but won 0!
Group Award: Realspace Raiders (av. position: 7th)
Most Consistent: Paulie's Drukhari (90-92-92)
Now the more fun awards:
Best Friends Award: 40K Super Best Friends (Closest Group - 7th, 8th & 9th, only 10 points between them all)
Best Tom: Thomas Roberts
Worst Tom: Tom Mepham
Most Unique Army: Jake's Astra Militarum - 9 Basilisks, a Baneblade and some Blackstone Fortress guys - Jake will always win this award at every event!
Speaking of armies, here's the average position of each army:

And finally, here's each player's list they took to the event so you can "take ideas" from each and try them out in your own games!

David's list above was illegal due to not being battle-forged, but he was not disqualified as he finished last, and even if all 3 of his opponents got the maximum score, their positions would not change.
And that's the tournament report! If you notice anything wrong, including but not limited to incorrect maths, wrong scores or misspellings, give us a message on Facebook (facebook.com/tabletoprepublic), Instagram (@tabletop_republic), or via email (contact@tabletoprepublic.com).
Hope you enjoyed reading,
Tom Mepham, Tabletop Republic Manager