Hi all,
No big writeup with lots of stats/facts/etc this time around I'm afraid due to time constraints (almost a week late with the write-up), but here's all the key results, info & other fun tidbits from 'May Chaos Reign', our 2000pt Age of Sigmar tournament in August 2021.
First and foremost, here's the final table via Best Coast Pairings
And then here's each game's result including VP scores:
1ST PLACE: Topher Buckle's Slaves to Darkness
2ND PLACE: Paul McCabe's Sons of Behemat
3RD PLACE: Dan George's Sons of Behemat
BEST PAINTED: James Hanson's Fyreslayers
Alex Walsh 36-35 Kenney Gibson
Callum Smith 30-29 Sam Pugh
Alex Gray 29-28 Ross Pearson
Alex Walsh 27-26 Alex Gray
BIGGEST WHOMPING: Topher Buckle 41-10 David McElroy
1st - Chaos (6.66) - yes that's the actual average
2nd - Destruction (6.8)
3rd - Death (9.5)
4th - Order (11.86)
Thanks for reading everyone, and apologies again for the lack of in-depth analysis such as battle tactic choices, army lists, etc! Hopefully I might have time in the future for a full-depth rundown
See you in October for our first ever 2-day AOS event - 'The Corrupted Chalice'
Tom M
Tabletop Republic