Limited Resources was a 3-round, 1500pt Warhammer 40,000 tournament that took place on Saturday 16th July 2022 at Tabletop Republic High Wycombe

This event used custom-made 'Highlander' rules - where there can only be one... of each unit. There was a limit of one of each datasheet per army (rather than the usual 3 in a Strike Force tournament), with the only exception being Troops and Dedicated Transport which were allowed 2.
War Zone: Nephilim missions were used, as well as all the new secondaries, points and dataslate changes - so this was a big change from the last tournament!
Here are the results from the tournament:

Rankings were based on the following: Win/Loss, total Battle Points, Strength of Schedule

Here are the lists of the top 3 players;
1st: Scott Errington-Bazley - Necrons (Szarekhan)

2nd: Angus Patterson - Adepta Sororitas (Bloody Rose)

3rd: Felix Newman - Tyranids (Behemoth)

and here's the rest of the player's armies with a quick list rundown (full lists are visible on Best Coast Pairings)
4th: Chris Ryder - Necrons - All Obsec + pre-game-move subfaction, with the Nightbringer, very buffed Command Barge and 5 Destroyers
5th: James Brown - Black Templars: Grimaldus and Helbrecht leading an infantry-heavy lineup
6th: Jack Pugh - T'au Empire (T'au Sept): Shadowsun and lots of Battlesuits ft. Kroot
7th: Liam Worswick - World Eaters: Abaddon, with lots of troops, 2 rhinos and a land raider
8th: Matthew Bunker - Black Legion: Abaddon with Slaaneshi mixed infantry
9th: Sam Smith - Black Legion: Abaddon with terminators and vehicles
10th: Yavor Bidzhov - Orks (Goffs): Ghazghkull with Beast Snaggas, Meganobz and regular infantry
11th: Kevin Spencer - Tyranids (Leviathan): Shardgullet Tyrant, 14 Warriors, a Harpy and psykers
12th: Dan Shrimpton - Death Guard: 4 characters with a mixed bag of terminators and marines
13th: Jack Beaman - World Eaters: Big blobs of terminators, bikers, talons and possessed
14th: Chris Braber - Salamanders: Standard array with flamer Aggressors and Eradicators
15th: James Evans - Orks (Goffs): Ghazghkull with Kans, Dreads, Nobz and some Snaggas
16th: Tom Mepham - Chaos Knights (Khomentis): Desecrator, 3 Karnivores, 3 Stalkers and an Executioner
17th: Peter Eardland - Aeldari (Ulthwe): Lots of small cost units with a Wraithlord, 2 Hornets, and 28 Guardians
18th: Jake Lovegrove - Chaos Daemons: Nurgle and Tzeentch mix with a Lord of Change, Great Unclean One, Rotigus, 7 Flamers and 7 Beasts of Nurgle
19th: Robbie Bunker - Adepta Sororitas (Argent Shroud): Celestine and Morvenn leading meltas and an Exorcist
20th: Max Young - Astra Militarum (Cadia): 5 Leman Russ, 3 Basilisk and 2 Infantry squads
21st: Karl Spour - Tyranids (Leviathan): Reaper Bonesword Hive Tyrant with 12 Warriors, 5 Raveners, a Harpy and a Tyrannofex
22nd: James Innes - Dark Angels: Standard array of marines with added Deathwing terminators and Librarian
Now the fun bit; all the stats, facts and nerdy bits to see what did well at the event
Here are all the secondaries chosen (or not chosen), how many times they were picked and the average score over the tournament.

MOST PICKED SECONDARY: Psychic Interrogation
BEST SCORING SECONDARY (Nephilim, any number of picks): Bring It Down (avg 10.375)
BEST SCORING SECONDARY (Army, 5+ picks): Purge The Vermin (avg 13)
BEST SCORING SECONDARY (Army, any number of picks): Sacred Grounds, Carry out Your Vows, Treasure of Aeons (avg 15)
WORST SCORING SECONDARY (Nephilim, any number of picks): Retrieve Nephilim Data, Warp Ritual (avg 0)
WORST SCORING SECONDARY (Nephilim, 5+ picks): Engage on all Fronts (avg 5.18)
WORST SCORING SECONDARY (Army, any number of picks): Martial Interdiction (avg 0)
WORST SCORING SECONDARY (Army, 5+ picks): Martial Interdiction (avg 0)
Finally, here are all the awards for the event! The top 3 and best painted armies and model winners all got prize frames for their achievements, and all other awards below are just fun awards for this blog!
1st Place: Scott Errington-Bazley (Necrons)
2nd Place: Angus Patterson (Adepta Sororitas)
3rd Place: Felix Newman (Tyranids)
Best Painted Army: James Innes (Dark Angels)
Best Painted Model: James Evans ('Skully' the Killa Kan, Orks)
Most Consistent: Dan Shrimpton (Death Guard) - only 8pts between highest and lowest score
Closest Game: Robbie Bunker 62-62 Max Young (Round 3, a rare draw!)
Biggest Win: Matthew Bunker 89-23 Max Young
Highest Scoring Game: James Brown 94-97 Felix Newman
Best Team: Square Base Crew (avg position: 8th)
Best Imperium Player: Angus Patterson, 2nd (Adepta Sororitas)
Best Chaos Player: Liam Worswick, 7th (World Eaters)
Best Xenos Player: Scott Errington-Bazley, 1st (Necrons)
Imperium Average Position: 13.67
Chaos Average Position: 11.86
Xenos Average Position: 9.28
The 'Submarine' award: Jack Pugh (highest position after starting loss)
The 'Best Newcomer' Award: Felix Newman
The 'Golden Jake' Award for Most Unique Army: Jake Lovegrove - of course (3 chaos daemon characters and big blobs of Beasts and Flamers!)
The 'Sportsmanship' Award: Chris Ryder
The 'My Hero' Award: James Evans (emergency backup player)
The 'Unlucky' Award: Dan Shrimpton (scored 246 points but only 1 win)
and that's the report! Thanks to all those that came to the event and thanks for reading. The next blog will be for Eternal Wrath 2022 in late August!
- Tom Mepham
Tabletop Republic Manager & Event TO